Spotlight on Service (SOS) Newsletter – October 2024

Welcome to the October issue of our Spotlight on Service (SOS) newsletter and, as we enter Quarter 4 of this calendar year, it’s now that many of us start to turn out attention to our goals and objectives for 2025. (Yes, I know, it doesn’t seem like 5 minutes ago we were embarking on a fresh, exciting 2024 however the sun is quickly setting on the current year so it’s time to get the budget spreadsheets and planners out ready to start over again).

Do you have 20:20 vision?

Wise old owl

Depressed or excited? Are you making 2025 an opportunity for change?

Here at FIT Towers we’ve enjoyed a great year in 2024 and we put our success down to our unrelenting scrutiny of what’s working and what’s not. Whilst driving the length and breadth of the country on customer projects and assignments we’ve been asking ourselves questions; identifying where and how we might do things differently to get better outcomes; then worked like trojans to achieve our goals – and we’ve done it with laser-like focus and passion.

We’ve been applying 20:20 vision and we want to share the tools we’ve used so that you too can achieve 20:20 vision – in 2025!

Improve your ability to FOCUS

You’ll hear the phrase ‘stay focused’ often. However, focus is like a mental muscle and with regular use, it can be strengthened.

Meditation and mindfulness help, so do physical workouts and breathing techniques. Even motivational reading or watching positive YouTube clips (TED talks are my fav) help us to focus.

Follow your RAS (Reticular Activating System)

Have you ever thought “How strange, since we decided to do ‘X’ we’re noticing it everywhere”?

Well here’s a brief explanation on why that is: Our RAS enables us to shape our reality. The mind continually processes about 2 million bits of information per second. And using our RAS we can consciously process a fraction of that by relegating most of it to our unconscious mind, allowing us to shape our reality by focusing on essential things that matter to us.

So, if we also fill our physical environment with reminders, like vision boards, our brain can better filter out what it recognises as unimportant to us. We become receptive to more of what will help us achieve our goals.


Identify essential key measurements and indicators. Then, set up an active system to measure and track these indicators and make your interest active and visible. Talk to everyone about your goals and objectives!

If you have indications that your activities are working (or not) you’ll get what you’re looking for and see improvements in these areas.

Good luck, and let us know how you get on with your 20:20 vision in 2025!

Spring Clean your Mind!

Spring clean your mind

The start of a New Year is a great time to spring clean, although I’m not talking about the soapy water and feather duster kind. We don’t ‘conform to norm’ here at FIT, as you well know. Yes, we take office cleanliness seriously (a tidy workspace = a tidy mind) but our focus here is more about your internal wellbeing.

One of our most popular Success Blueprints is Spring Clean Your Mind! And we realised now would be a great time to share some of the highlights to get your 2025 off to a flying start:


Grab some paper and on the left make a list of positive, empowering thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Think BIG! On the right, against each positive belief, write ONE thing you can do (or continue to do) to support that belief and embed its truth further into your subconscious.


We’re all familiar with the two types of motivation – often referred to as the carrot and stick principle. Both types of motivation work; but neither last! However, when a compelling goal or vision motivates you, it creates far more positive energy and impetus than being driven by darkness and fear.


Writing down our goals is essential. But remember to apply a proven methodology such as the SMART principle. It will help to clarify your goal plan. In our Spring Clean Your Mind Download, you’ll find more ideas that will take your goals from concept to actualisation.

To do well, you have to feel well and that means treating yourself well too – in body, mind and spirit. However, don’t only focus on the obvious – healthy eating, plenty of water and regular exercise, because occasional indulgences are good too. A posh coffee, an expensive chocolate bar or a spa are great treats to keep you motivated and on track to succeed.


I’m sure you’ll all agree with the saying ‘’If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, then you’re going to keep on getting what you’ve always got”. To experience change for the better, you’ve got to DO something different!

So why not start making positive changes to all areas of your life right now? It’s easier than you think (especially with your RAS in gear!) and we can offer a ton of support – take a look at all our Success Blueprints on our Resources page HERE.

1% ideas to make a 100% difference

1 graphic 1

WOW! #1: Focus on the CAN-DOs

Apply the Tape Technique to deliver ‘bad news’.

We all have two constant internal ‘tapes’ that are set to play, dependent on whether the news being communicated to us is perceived as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. If we have some bad news or a negative message to give to a customer (or colleague) and we deliver this message to them FIRST, then it’ll be the Bad News Tape that sets to play. Which means any good news (or positive message) we go on to give will get delivered automatically onto the Bad News Tape, thus diluting the good news.  So focus on the GOOD NEWS first, before giving the bad news, and that way the negative message gets delivered onto the Good News Tape and defuses the bad – simples!

Here’s an example: “I can certainly arrange for Marie to meet with you on Friday of that week, although she’s fully committed with clients on the Thursday”  Sounds better, doesn’t it?

WOW! #2: Bury the Dirty Dozen

One easy way to show up and stand out from others in your field i.e. be a Purple Cow, is to develop a language of influence that ensures you SOUND different to all those other contact centres or customer service teams. So, focus on getting rid of common neutral or negative words and phrases used every day in business.  Bury those R.I.P phrases, known as the Dirty Dozen. Here’s a real WOW! for you – download our PANEL list (Positive Alternatives to Neutral / Negative Everyday Language) for free HERE:


Your best year ever michael hyatt

YOUR BEST YEAR EVER by Michael Hyatt

Bestselling author Michael Hyatt shares his proven 5-Step Plan to make this your best year ever. So if you want to see progress in your personal, intellectual, business, relationship, or financial goals you’ll benefit from the field-tested wisdom in this book.
In just five hours you can learn:

– three simple ways to triple the likelihood of achieving your goals
– how to quit-proof those goals
– what to do when you feel stuck

The official book synopsis says “We all want to live a life that matters. We all want to reach our full potential. But too often we find ourselves overwhelmed by the day-to-day. Our big goals get pushed to the back burner – and then, more often than not, they get forgotten”.

“Your Best Year Ever is full of compelling, real-life stories of average people who have achieved extraordinary results. Please take my advice and only buy this book if you want to be able to look back in twelve months and say: now that was my best year ever!” John C. Maxwell, author, speaker & leadership expert.

Tony Robbins, one of my all-time favourite legends, says this book could help close the gap between your dreams and your reality. We wholeheartedly agree with Tony – and feel sure you will too!

See you next month…

That’s all for this month however we’ll be back in November with more tips, strategies and ideas on how to truly stand out in your field just like a Purple Cow!

If you’d like to catch up on some of our previous newsletters we’ve now added them to our dedicated Spotlight on Service (SOS) page on our website HERE.

Wishing you much success in the meantime,

Marie and the FIT team

PS – If you’d like to find out more about how we might help support your business to deliver world-class, Purple Cow service to your customers do feel free to book your 30 minute Discovery Call here:

Hello... I'm Marie Cross

‘…and I’d love to include you in our growing list of readers who are discovering new, practical ways to develop remarkable service in their call, contact and customer service centres.’

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