Give your business the competitive edge!
and help YOUR business get that one step
ahead of your competition!

I’ve spent my entire working life within the customer service and telesales environment, working with many frontline operations in some of the biggest contact centres and customer experience centres in the UK, helping them to stay on track, keep positive and remain motivated to succeed.
Now I want to share that knowledge, experience and insight – so I’ve put together a collection of fantastic easy-to-follow business guides to help YOU too!
Simply click on the blueprint you’d like to download, enter your name and email address and hey presto! it’ll be on its way to your inbox.
Your Success Blueprints
7 Super Secrets of Remarkable Customer Service
Double your appointments in just 15 minutes...
…by using the 7 simple steps in this very special action plan designed to get you more meetings by phone. Get your FREE copy and create your very own outbound call recipe for success.
Telesales Teams & Customer Service Teams
FIT tips for active listening
“Developing 1 of the 4 key communication skills – and the most vital of ingredients in the recipe of success!”
FIT tips for building rapport & Relationships
“How to build rapport and profitable relationships with prospects and customers!”
FIT tips for dealing with difficult situations
“Discover the top ways to effectively managing difficult situations and tricky customers!”
FIT tips for effective E-Communication
“Find out how to master effective email communication – understanding Netiquette!”
FIT tips for influencing the win-win
“Looking to get people onside and influence a win-win outcome!”
FIT tips for staying positive
"The benefits of staying positive and keeping on track in today’s busy frontline operation!”
FIT tips from the masters of motivation
“Get the super secrets from the Masters of Motivation – quotes to inspire you!”
Fit tips to spring clean your mind
"Find out our super secrets for getting your mind spring cleaned and ready for success - in both business and life!"
Team Leaders/ Trainers & Coaches
FIT tips for active learning & self-development
“10 super secrets for active learning and self development – learning to ‘big-up’ the only true USP in both business and life!
FIT tips for creating energy & motivation
“Get the top secrets for maintaining motivation and energy in a busy frontline operation!”
FIT tips for effective teamwork
“Super secrets for developing a great team spirit and encouraging effective teamwork!”
FIT tips for legendary leadership
“ Get your super secrets to becoming a legendary leader and how to create smart followers!”