Customer Service lessons from the 18 Rules of Happiness

If you haven’t watched this award-winning biographical film, starring the awesome Will Smith and his (then) young son Jaden, then where the hell have you been for the last 15 years!?  I think I’m on my 10th watch so far – and I’m not done yet because there are some great customer service lessons in the list for us all!

The Pursuit of Happyness is an incredibly moving, true story about the trials and tribulations of a young salesman, Chris Gardner, who ends up destitute on the streets of San Francisco with his 5 year old son, sleeping in station toilets and homeless shelters by night, while struggling to sell his last bone scanner to the medical profession to buy food and pay his son’s nursery fees, by day.

After a random, yet fortuitous meeting with Jay Twistle, a lead manager and partner for a large brokerage firm, Chris impresses Jay by solving the Rubik’s Cube puzzle during a shared taxi ride and ends up landing an unpaid internship to work for the firm, competing for a full-time paid position as a San Fran stockbroker at the firm, Dean Witter Reynolds. 

The rest, as they say, is history…

Chris Gardner went on to form his own multimillion-dollar brokerage firm, Gardner Rich, before reinventing himself by launching another hugely successful career as a motivational speaker and author.  Gardner, now 62, is worth an estimated £48m; travels the world speaking to packed audiences in more than 50 countries and sponsors a number of homeless charities and organisations that combat violence against women.

Mr Gardner believes he disproves the theory that we are all products of our childhood environment.

“According to that particular school of thought, I should have become another alcoholic, wife-beating, child-abusing, illiterate loser.”

He clearly graduated from the same College of Life that so many of the world’s leading personal development gurus have – Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Oprah Winfrey and Jack Canfield to name just a few.  These stalwarts of the personal development industry have taught us that HAPPINESS is a state of mind and therefore, is a CHOICE that only WE can make!  And we all have our own definition of HAPPINESS and that’s a CHOICE too! So, we should all CHOOSE to be HAPPY right!?

Not quite so well known, although still equally guru-ish in my opinion, is entrepreneur and self-development leader, Karl Moore. He has spent over 20 years in the personal improvement industry and was a featured teacher in the movies Think and The Evolution of Success. He is the author of 5 best-selling books, including ‘The Secret Art of Self-Development’

His latest book, “The 18 Rules of Happiness” is available to purchase on Amazon or iTunes and can be downloaded on Kindle too.  Just click here:

In the meantime, I thought you might like to read a summary of his 18 Rules of Happiness – each one represents a great customer service lesson to take away and focus on;

18 rules

Rule #1 – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself!

Self-pity is the very worst kind of emotion. It destroys everything around itself and leaves you feeling powerless. Stop being the victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself – and be happy 😊

Rule #2 – Be Grateful!

The world is so fast-paced that we’re rarely grateful of its gifts. Think of all the things you’re grateful for right now: family, health, home, everything. Spend time being grateful each day…and be happy 😊

Rule #3 – Say Yes More!

We each say “No” way too often. Try saying “Yes” more to all of life’s experiences. Don’t fight the river’s current.  Say “Yes” more to emotions, situations, social invitations – and be happy 😊

Rule #4 – Follow Your Bliss!

In life, we often find ourselves half-way up a ladder we don’t want to climb, rather than at the bottom of one we do.  What do you really want to be? Follow your own bliss – and be happy 😊

Rule #5 – Learn to Let Go

Emotions often hold us back from true happiness and freedom. Remember, you are not your emotions. Let go of unwanted emotions by asking yourself “Can I let this go?” Do it – and be happy 😊

Rule #6 – Do Random Acts of Kindness!

Being kind is double-edged. It makes you feel happier and spreads that joy to someone else too. Do more Random Acts of Kindness every day – smile, hold open a door, pay for a stranger’s coffee… And be happy 😊

Rule #7 – Happiness Is Only Ever NOW!

Most of us spend our time anywhere but in the present. We obsess about the past, or plan for the future. Now is the only time that really exists. Make the decision to be happy – NOW 😊

Rule #8 – Experience, Don’t Hoard!

Research shows that material purchases only boost your happiness levels temporarily. Experiences bring more overall joy. Enjoy safari holidays, learn a language, join a dancing group – and be happy😊

Rule #9 – Appreciate Both Sides of the Coin!

How many times do we try to embrace happiness – and reject sadness? They’re both sides of the same coin. You cannot have one without the other. Sadness is critical. Don’t fight it – and be happy 😊

Rule #10 – Be More Social!

Extensive research shows that the happiest and most successful people are those with large social networks. How many friends do you have? Be proactive, start making more – and be even more happy 😊

Rule #11 – Love More!

The more you love, the happier you are. Try giving everyone and everything around you a little more love. Friends, family, nature, even enemies: open your heart, give them love – and be happy 😊

Rule #12 – Have a Dream!

Dreams are the spark plugs of the spirit. They give each day excitement and enable you to move forward. What are your dreams? Think BIG , write them down. Then take ACTION – and be happy 😊

Rule #13 – Intention Sets Direction!

The outcome you expect is usually the one you receive. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. So, set a great intention in everything you do – and be happy 😊

Rule #14 – Enjoy Simple Pleasures!

Real happiness can be found in simple pleasures and rituals. From a daily walk in the nearby countryside to a glass of wine after work. Indulge in these simple pleasures.  Set up your own little rituals – and be happy 😊

Rule #15 – Accept What Is!

Many of us spend time resisting what is. We fight against our own emotions, building up anger and resentment.  Accept what is right now. Change it if you can. And accept it if you can’t – and be happy 😊

Rule #16 – Exercise and Eat Well!

You are as happy as your lifestyle! For optimum happiness, try walking for 40 minutes a day. Take Omega 3 supplements, eat more fish, nuts, turkey, cottage cheese. Enjoy – and be happy 😊

Rule #17 – Zoom Out and Don’t Sweat!

We often get a fresh perspective on life after we lose a family member or survive an illness.  Don’t wait for life to remind you.  Zoom out and remember your real priorities NOW – and be happy 😊

Rule #18 – Laugh, Dance, Smile!

Take time to laugh at the craziness of life! Splash out and enjoy to the max. Surround yourself with happiness – wonderful music, dance classes, evenings with friends. Smile – and be happy 😊

Until next time – stay happy & keep FIT!

Best regs,

Marie X

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