Seven ways to develop true brand ambassadors that most companies aren’t doing….
“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou How do your customers feel once they’ve had an interaction with your business? Maybe a phone call, email exchange, SMS text or letter? Most customer interactions are by phone or […]
We love Accelerated Learning
As our lovely clients know, we’re big fans of Accelerated Learning here at First Impression Training, so we set out to stimulate every sense throughout the learning experience, to ensure every learner gets the maximum benefit from it. So our training rooms are set up in such a way that the 5 senses are used […]
Calm down Madam – screaming at me won’t help!
“OK, calm down please Sir…. I’m new here…. my computer is on a go slow this morning…. and I don’t think I can sort that problem out anyway… I’m going to have to transfer you to another department…. so I’m just going to put you on hold…. if you can just bear with me…sorry about […]
Do women have emotionally healthier minds than men?
Ok, I admit it – from time to time, I like to throw my weight around (there’s not much of me but I can pack a good punch when I’ve got something to shout about) and I guess this week’s mumblings may cause a similar stir to the eyebrows I raised a few weeks back, […]
That’s enough about me – what do you think about me?
Ok, I’m going to self-indulge for a moment this week and I hope you stick with me, because this week’s blog really does have something for YOU too, if you just read on for the next 2 minutes or so.. They say people will never rise above their own opinion of themselves and sadly, even […]
Bully For You!
I recently had coffee with a girlfriend who I hadn’t seen for a long while – and told her about my exciting venture with my well-being practice NLP4Teens and my plans to grow the practice in a few years time (when I reach THAT age and begin to think of my ‘pretirement’ from my training business, […]
Press #1 for the robot in charge or #2 for the woman who knows how you feel
Last week I enjoyed a fantastic day of learning & insight & sharing thoughts & ideas about what makes for a remarkable customer experience, with other “OCD’ers” (customer experience extremists like me who are Obsessed with Customer Delight) at the Customer Experience Foundation (CXFO) first event of 2019. Huge thanks to Don Hales and team […]
The dishes won’t wash themselves!
It’s not very often that I feel the need to “call-out” individual organisations for their poor efforts around customer journey but this is one of those times. This is our personal story so I can vouch for each blow-by-blow stage of this unhappy tale which started back in April of this year when we purchased […]
We’re hiring…
The FIT team are looking for a really special individual who can help us move to our next stage of growth. You’ll be a high-performing, passionate and enthusiastic telephone sales consultant with plenty of experience and ready to demonstrate a track record of success at selling on the ‘phone. If this job is right for […]
It’s Autumn – time to put a Spring in our step
The summer’s over, nights are drawing-in and Autumn is in the air – it’s that time of the year when we all need to quickly reflect on what we’ve achieved so far this year and refocus on what remains to be done during the last quarter of 2018 (can you believe how FAST this year […]