Attitude – the Vital Ingredient


In case you didn’t know your attitude to everything that happens in your personal, professional and emotional world is the foundation upon which your success is built. In the customer service environment you and your attitude is what separates you from your competition. It’s the difference that makes the difference and because people buy people […]

Marie Cross – Extreme Customer Service Queen!

marie cross

I’ve been on the speaking circuit of late and thoroughly enjoying addressing large audiences to help them better understand how to implement those small, simple improvements within their daily sales and service calls and conversations that, when you add them all together, make such a huge difference to our customers perception of us as outstanding […]

We’re at a Crossroads – Where Do We Go From Here?


Ever had one of those “crossroads” moments – I don’t mean the Midlands Motel type with Meg Mortimer, Benny and Sandy delivering rubbish dialogue against an even worse background set (remember how the walls wobbled when the doors were closed) – no, not that type of crossroads! (Now, I appreciate that younger readers may not […]

Customer on Hold – Time to Get Your S**t Together!

customer on hold

I’ve just read a report that focused on how the need for speed is a key driver in the ever-changing face of the customer service game. According to Forrester research (, 73% of people say that having their time valued is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with great service. […]

Offer a Choice and Influence their Decision

influence their decision

Last week we identified some of the customer service challenges we all face as technology advances, interactive and automated platforms increase and improve and our customers expectations are raised ever-higher. But if we’re all using similar tools like social media, apps, live chat, forums etc. then it very quickly becomes the “norm” for customers. The […]

The Robots Are Coming – Save Yourselves!

save yourselves

Given the nature of what we do for a living it’ll come as no surprise to learn that we receive a lot of sales and service related blogs, articles and other information sources announcing how the world of customer service is about to turn on its head. One of the big buzz-phrases of 2016 was […]

Measuring customer loyalty = cash in the bank


If you’re a regular reader of our posts you’ll know that we often talk about the essential need to improve customer loyalty to ensure they keep coming back and spending money with you time and time again. Done well it creates a real win-win – for your customer who feels valued and enjoys the experience […]

Happy Chickens Lay More Eggs


Have you had an influx of new customers lately? Are they knocking your door down? Are your phones ringing off the hook with new business? No? Well, let me ask you. How happy are your customers? You don’t know? Let me tell you, you would know if they were happy. You’d know because you would […]

Would the Real Sales Lady Please Stand Up

real sales lady

Apologies for the wanton sexism, but I couldn’t resist the title! On the occasions I have been into sales-focused Contact Centres, it has often crossed my mind to ask why everyone is sitting down all the time. I’m not implying that the people are lazy, don’t get me wrong. I just think it’s odd. Personally, […]

Little Things That Can Make A BIG Difference

big difference

No, I’m not talking about myself although us “five-foot-somethings” are useful and effective little people! I’m thinking something more along the lines of the Tesco related strapline of ‘Every Little Helps’ – and here at FIT we are real advocates of those 1%’ers that add up to making a 100% difference in your business. This […]

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