OK, if you know the team at First Impression Training well, you’re now likely thinking “WHAT? the FIT guys never STOP speaking up….
…..about their passion for helping us become better than we are already!
…..about their obsession with us all striving for service excellence!
…..about their insistence that we all recognise our frontliners as the only true USP in our business!
…..about their relentless attention to those 1% things that can make a 100% difference!
.…about their beliefs that customer service isn’t a part of the business – it’s the heart of a business!
So what else can they possibly need to be SPEAKING UP about!?
Well, it seems like forever since we connected with you just to, well……..connect with you!
You’re always so busy, we’re always so busy. There’s a million things you and we have to get done in our working day and week, so it just seems that time runs away with us, doesn’t it?
So we don’t pause for long enough to take in any of the other great insights or interesting info that’s out there for us to take advantage of, that COULD actually enrich our working lives just as much as they are when we – the FIT Team – speak up (and badger you) about the importance of investing in your most important and valuable asset – those Brand Ambassadors on your frontline!
So, every week from now on, on the same day at the same time, we’re going to speak up on a hot topic of the moment that we feel sure you and your organisation can take some insight from (or at least have an opportunity to pause for breath while you read our Monday Mumblings!) just as a means of staying connected with you.
That way, we’ll ensure we’re forever doing something that keeps you – and your people FIT for business and on track to succeed right there on your frontline! So look out for the first of our Monday Mumblings next week at noon – you defo don’t want to miss the first one and you’ll be glad we SPOKE UP when you read THIS particular insight!
Until then, have a great week – and keep FIT!
FIT Tip of the week
Remember – No-one cares how much you know until they know how much you care!