What are YOU deciding for yourself this year?

Well, if there was ever a good time to DECIDE this year is going to be a great year, it’s RIGHT NOW.

I mean today, the first ‘proper’ working day of 2022 if we’re being honest, given we had a 4 day week last week and none of us were feeling particularly ‘back on it’, even if we were back at desk, virtually or actually – wouldn’t you agree!?

So, Monday 10th January 2022 seems to be a really good day to make those CHOICES about those BIG decisions that will map out your direction of travel this year, just as Tony Robbins reassuringly tells us: “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

So, what choices will you be deciding upon in 2022, that will shape your future and increase your chances of success, in both business and life?

Perhaps you’ll choose to decide to regain your health and fitness levels?
Or maybe take up a new hobby or leisure activity?
Maybe you’ll focus on your business or career this year and decide to play to win, not play not to lose!?
What about your family life and your precious social time with friends? Perhaps you’ll choose to decide to pay closer attention to those important relationships in your personal world this year.
Or maybe it’s the seeking of a new & fulfilling relationship that you’re deciding to embark upon?
Or perhaps it’s your financial status that you’ll focus on – deciding to pay more attention to those numbers and be more mindful of what being cost-conscious and prudent is all about?
Maybe you’ll choose to decide that each day this year, you’ll wake with an attitude of gratitude and take nothing for granted, given none of us know what’s around the corner, so it makes sense to live every day as fully and vibrantly as possible?

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!”

So, DECIDE to conceive a few ideas that will spur you on this New Year.
Write them down or better still, create a vision board of all those thoughts & ideas.
I’ve been vision boarding for many years now – I’ve encouraged my sons to do it and I encourage my personal coaching clients to do it too!
They say seeing is believing, and the same is true of the opposite – believing is seeing!

Maries Vision Board 2022

I love waking up to my daily visit to my Vision Board – reciting my gratitude prayer each morning, focusing in on those choices I decided on at New Year – new business opportunities to pursue; new places to visit; activities to continue; new hobbies to be started.
I made those decisions at the start of the year; I visualised them by way of my Vision Board and now I’m wholly focused on making them come true – shaping my destiny, just as Robbins assured me I would!

“The man going nowhere usually gets there”

That’s a pretty powerful quote, isn’t it? Read it again if you don’t believe me!
See what I mean? You’ve got to have something to aim for.
That man had a goal – to get nowhere, and so it came to pass….
So, don’t delay – procrastination is the thief of time, they say.
And procrastination is an EFFECT not a CAUSE, so live your life at the C-side and DECIDE today that you will choose to carve yourself a great year this year, because the secret of success is simple:


To your ongoing success this year – have a fabulous one ✨

Until next time – stay safe and keep FIT!
Best regs
Marie X

Hello... I'm Marie Cross

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