The Only PERSON Comfortable with CHANGE is a BABY!
They say that change is inevitable if we wish to experience growth and the only human being totally at ease with change….is a baby I don’t think any of us can doubt that the past year has changed our work (and life) habits in immeasurable ways – many for the better, some for the […]
Are you a giver or a taker?
I was taught from a very young age that “what you give determines what you get” and I also sussed from those early years that, in both business and life, there are those that give and there are those that take. I do believe that what goes around comes around and I also believe in […]
Blend it like Beckham – 7 Super Secrets of Hybrid Working
Well, it appears the New World of Work (WOW ) has got a lesson or two to learn from the great David Beckham, when it comes to adopting a rich and fully blended approach to business AND life. He’s famous for wearing a whole host of interesting and diverse hats – as a model, trend-setter, […]
A tale of two titans – Part 1
If you’ve never heard of Anthony (Tony) Robbins, then chances are, you’re not going to be overly interested in this week’s FIT Matters. Tony’s story is an extraordinary one – as is the man himself. He had an incredibly tough upbringing, suffering at the hands of an alcoholic mother; extreme poverty – thanks in the […]
A tale of two Titans – Part 2
Just as I said last week about Tony Robbins, if you’ve never heard of Robin Sharma, the other guru I want to talk about today to conclude my Tale of Two Titans, then chances are – you’re not going to be overly interested in this week’s FIT Matters either. Robin’s story is an equally fascinating […]
Emotional Intelligence – the vital ingredient for all ages
In his book Emotional Intelligence, author Daniel Goleman suggested that EQ (Emotional Quotient) might actually be more important than IQ. Howard Gardner, developmental psychologist and creator of the Multiple Intelligences Theory may well agree. Gardner has suggested that INTELLIGENCE is not a single, linear ability. In fact, in his 1983 book ‘Frames of Mind’ he cites […]
A big thank you from my Dad
Hearing the sad news of Barbara Windsor’s passing last Thursday, got me reminiscing again about my dear old Dad… He died just a few months after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (NOT as a result of this cruel disease, I should add) but that particular nightmare story is for another time. Because I want to talk […]
Take a leaf out of Southgate’s book
I mean, literally – there is much we can learn from Gareth Southgate’s just-released autobiography Anything is Possible: Be Brave, Be Kind & Follow Your Dreams and we’d do well to pay attention to the England Football Team Manager this week, because he has some important lessons to share. As the footballing legend himself said: […]
Not EVERYTHING is cancelled!
They say HOPE is everything to those who have nothing – and it seems this may well be true for some, especially at this present time with all that’s happening in the world. And I’m not just talking about this crazy pandemic or the madness that two full-blown lockdowns have caused this year☹. There are […]
Who do you think you are?
The witty Irish playwright Oscar Wilde was a genius – he had a phenomenal ability to incorporate aspects of both fantasy and realism into his works. Through thoughtful imagery and realistic dialect, he successfully merged two contradicting genres into a fascinatingly morbid tale. He was said to have authored many profound quotes in his lifetime, […]