Klopp would NEVER put his fans before his players – and neither should YOU!

Putting your customers’ needs before your employees needs is BONKERS, right? I mean, a football manager would NEVER put his fans’ physical or emotional wellbeing ahead of their players, would they? Any half decent football manager knows that their player’s needs and requirements have to take priority, if their players are going to fulfil the […]

You CAN have your cake and eat it too!

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I watched a fascinating vodcast on the BBC Ideas site last week, by author & podcaster Bruce Daisley, all about the role of the office moving forward and whether office life, such as that which existed in the classic call centre environment pre-lockdown, would ever be the same again once this pandemic is history and […]

It’s not just the gardening industry that’s blossoming!

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In last week’s FIT Matters, we took a look at some of the industries that appear to have blossomed and boomed as a direct result of this unprecedented pandemic the world has experienced over the last 6 months – and there’s even been shiny new sectors that have emerged out of nowhere, such as the […]

Working remotely during the Covid Pandemic – 6 Golden Rules to follow


This week I’m going to be short and sweet (aren’t I always ). Seems that the home working craze is starting to wane a little – perhaps it’s not quite the panacea we thought it might be with many starting to feel a little frayed around the edges.  So hopefully this week’s FIT Matters will help rebalance […]

Strictly speaking, are you an Ann Widdecombe or a Kelvin Fletcher?

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Running a successful customer service operation that’s frontlined by a top-notch team, whose prime focus is on ensuring a world-class 10/10 experience for its customers, is a lot like learning how to dance… Before you can Cha-Cha-Cha and Foxtrot your way around the dancefloor, you need to learn the steps. While there are exceptions to […]

Are you a Stretch Armstrong?


The man, the myth, the legend. For many, Stretch Armstrong still brings back many happy childhood memories Trying to see how far this large gel-filled, and quite frankly, tormented action figure would stretch was the name of the game. You only have to type Stretch Armstrong in on YouTube and you’ll find an array of […]

How emotionally FIT and healthy are your staff?

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I read a fascinating paper recently from Puzzel (www.puzzel.com) who conducted a survey focusing on how much emphasis customer service leaders and managers place on the experiences and welfare of their frontline staff in the quest to improve customer experience. The survey focused on 6 questions and the responses were very interesting, with 35% of […]

What do Dragons, Boxing and Boris have in common?


I’ve mingled with them all this last week, albeit in a roundabout way – apart from a dragon that is, because I properly mingled with one of those this week…. Firstly, we spent the evening in the company of the legend that is Frank Bruno on Tuesday evening, when he co-hosted the European Contact Centre […]

I’m a celebrity – don’t ever get me out of here!


I was blown away this week when I received an email from the lovely Paul Ainsworth, Editor-in-Chief of Customer Experience Magazine, who told me he was thrilled to announce that I’ve been shortlisted for their upcoming Top 50 CX Stars feature. As one of a select group of shortlisted candidates, the list has been compiled […]

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