Ladies and Gents – a round of applause for our new apprentice

apprentice board

The FIT team have just got a little bigger (no, not by eating too many mince pies at Christmas!) but by hiring their new Apprentice… ..which is me! My name is Ellyse, I’m 16 and I am from Detling, near Maidstone in Kent. I am ecstatic to be David and Marie’s Apprentice – already I […]

Are your senior managers engaging with your teams?

senior manager

Senior management do not always connect their vision with the output of their frontline operations when it comes to customer service training and people development, yet the people on the frontline are fulfilling this vision, so any money spent on their development surely represents an investment in the company’s future. What values and beliefs do […]

How happy are your people?

how happy are your people

It’s a sad fact that the happiness of staff often takes second place to the organisation’s demand for results. We need a committed and resilient workforce – people who have the ability to cope with everything from disgruntled customers to demanding team leaders – so our staff’s ability to handle stress is often a much […]

Developing true brand ambassadors

brand ambassadors

Firstly, from all the FIT team, we wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. As we look ahead into 2015 and begin to draw up our plans for the year we thought it appropriate to refresh our minds on what we can do to ensure our teams remain successful over the next 12 […]

Improve customer care through effective recruitment

improve customer care

Recruiting customer service staff presents several unique challenges. More than anything else, customer service staff need to be a good fit with the organisation – there cannot be a divide between those running the business and those delivering its customer service experience. It is worth remembering the old idiom “people buy from people”. It’s important […]

Why meaningful goals are key

meaningful goals

It’s important to have goals and targets – in business and in life – and setting meaningful Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the customer service setting is the key to going the extra mile for clients and getting the most out of customer service training and people development. KPIs are the goals used to measure […]

Combine training with leadership to inspire your staff

combine training

Team leaders need to take an active part in maintaining morale – it’s not enough for them to remain isolated at their desks and assume employee motivation will be maintained. They need to be out there ‘on the floor’ supporting their staff, listening in to calls and offering quick tips to improve performance, providing effective […]

Role Reversal – could it work for you?

role reversal

We’re no strangers to seeing animals do some fairly bizarre things, like this bear strolling through a New Jersey neighbourhood on two feet – likely in an attempt to disguise itself as a human to avoid being shot! But when it comes to animal ingenuity, these photos of a dog riding a Segway surely take […]

NEWSFLASH! The FIT Team are speaking up…..

news flash

OK, if you know the team at First Impression Training well, you’re now likely thinking “WHAT? the FIT guys never STOP speaking up…. …..about their passion for helping us become better than we are already! …..about their obsession with us all striving for service excellence! …..about their insistence that we all recognise our frontliners as […]

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