Our top 5, post-Covid, customer service tips

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The last 14 weeks have been a very strange and difficult time for practically every single person living through it – it’ll certainly make history that’s for sure. Although we aren’t completely out the other side, we are starting to see some normality thankfully. With pubs and salons reopening in the coming days and weeks, […]

Lessons from a seagull

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I have to admit I am TERRIFIED of birds – the bigger, the scarier they are and the more terrified I become! So, you can imagine my horror last weekend… while out for a lovely leisurely walk along the beachfront in Hastings, I am attacked (yes, literally a-t-t-a-c-k-e-d) by a flock of seagulls. It happens […]

When homeworking used to be a treat…

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Homeworking used to be a rare treat for many frontline staff. In fact, only a few months ago, one of our clients was in the middle of a fairly serious battle with a group of frontline staff, who felt they were being treated unfairly (compared to their counterparts in the field) because our client wouldn’t […]

Take a step outside your hoola-hoop!

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It’s really important that we’re reminded of the importance of stepping out of our hoola-hoop every now and then – because all progress takes place outside our comfort zone, agreed? When Lloyd Hazell & Tasha Harris were offered £30,000 for a 45% share of their company by Dragons Den star Sarah Willingham, a few years […]

If at first you don’t succeed…try, try, try again!

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“It’s impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you have failed by default” J. K. Rowling Well Joanne should know hey!? A single mother on welfare, it took J.K Rowling 7 years to write the story […]

Welcome to Holland

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I came across a beautiful piece of writing by Emily Perl Kingsley during Mental Health Awareness Week recently, when it struck me just how poignant a comparison the piece was to what’s going on in the world right now…. We’ve all arrived in Holland when we were destined for Italy! Allow me to explain… It […]

Brand Ambassador – You’re Fired!!

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Call Centre Helper is one of my favourite online business magazines – every week it delivers at least one golden nugget to my mental business-thinking inbox and this week was no exception… Check out this article by Martin Jukes of Mpathy Plus https://www.callcentrehelper.com/ways-advisor-role-change-future-144311.htm Martin is talking about the future of the Contact Centre Advisor (CCA) […]

The Science of Hope and the Secret to Bouncing Back

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The Science of Hope (yes, it IS a science apparently) states that HOPE is about having a steadfast belief in the possibility that things can change, no matter how dire or desperate things may seem in the present moment. Hope gives us the will to keep moving forward. Hope gives us resilience to hang on […]

I’m not OK, you’re not OK!

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It’s OK to not be OK right now, you know. It’s a scary time for many and this experience is one none of us has ever been through before, so life is bound to feel incredibly strange and uncertain at the moment.  If you’ve been furloughed or lost your job during the COVID pandemic, then you’re […]

Your Mind Matters

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Most of us have been aware of the Every Mind Matters campaign for some time, although I guess its usefulness as a coping mechanism has become far more apparent over the last couple of months, since the Corona Virus pandemic became big, ugly bad news for us all, to the point we’re all searching for […]

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