Know your worth!

know your worth

There’s an old saying that goes “People will never rise above their own opinion of themselves and sadly, that opinion is usually rather low” Yet we can NEVER be more than we believe is possible, so we should ALL start believing in possibilities, right!? We have to become our own Publicity Agent We can’t hire […]

We do not see things as they are – we see them as WE are!

see them as they are

The title above is a quote attributed to the prominent writer Anaïs Nin in 1961, this maxim was better articulated by the late great Stephen Covey in his best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People when he quoted that “each of us tends to think we see things as they are, that we […]

You get what you FOCUS on!

focus on

Over the past few weeks, news of the spread of the corona virus has dominated the media and the messages have been rather bleak and scary, to say the least. They’re in our news feed; in our inbox; on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn and many people appear to be gripped with FEAR as a […]

The Change Curve

change curve

I normally reserve talking about the well renowned Change Curve (a model originally developed in the 1960s by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross to explain the grieving process) for our culture change projects – and in particular, to help frontline teams and leaders understand that emotional, irrational reactions to significant business change are perfectly NORMAL. The original Kubler-Ross […]

Resilience is KEY!

think positive

At times like this, though I’ve never actually experienced ‘times like this’ in my entire lifetime, it’s really important to be extra vigilant about who you hang around with. The brilliant motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that “we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with…” So, it makes […]

How emotionally FIT and healthy are your staff?

emotionally fit

I read a fascinating paper recently from Puzzel ( who conducted a survey focusing on how much emphasis customer service leaders and managers place on the experiences and welfare of their frontline staff in the quest to improve customer experience. The survey focused on 6 questions and the responses were very interesting, with 35% of […]

What do Dragons, Boxing and Boris have in common?


I’ve mingled with them all this last week, albeit in a roundabout way – apart from a dragon that is, because I properly mingled with one of those this week…. Firstly, we spent the evening in the company of the legend that is Frank Bruno on Tuesday evening, when he co-hosted the European Contact Centre […]

I’m a celebrity – don’t ever get me out of here!


I was blown away this week when I received an email from the lovely Paul Ainsworth, Editor-in-Chief of Customer Experience Magazine, who told me he was thrilled to announce that I’ve been shortlisted for their upcoming Top 50 CX Stars feature. As one of a select group of shortlisted candidates, the list has been compiled […]

It doesn’t get more controversial than this…


Well you know me – I like to start the New Year with a bang and what better way to grab your attention at the start of this new decade than talking about something properly controversial this week. Two controversial subjects actually – Religion AND women reigning supreme! Have I caught your curiosity yet? Have […]

How DIRTY is your language?


Were you aware that saying things like ‘don’t worry’, ‘bear with me’ and ‘sorry to keep you waiting’ (all common phrases within frontline operations like yours) are setting you off on the wrong foot, before you even begin to influence how your customer feels about your organisation? WHAT you say and HOW you deliver your […]

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