Know your worth!

know your worth

There’s an old saying that goes “People will never rise above their own opinion of themselves and sadly, that opinion is usually rather low” Yet we can NEVER be more than we believe is possible, so we should ALL start believing in possibilities, right!? We have to become our own Publicity Agent We can’t hire […]

We do not see things as they are – we see them as WE are!

see them as they are

The title above is a quote attributed to the prominent writer Anaïs Nin in 1961, this maxim was better articulated by the late great Stephen Covey in his best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People when he quoted that “each of us tends to think we see things as they are, that we […]

You get what you FOCUS on!

focus on

Over the past few weeks, news of the spread of the corona virus has dominated the media and the messages have been rather bleak and scary, to say the least. They’re in our news feed; in our inbox; on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn and many people appear to be gripped with FEAR as a […]

The Change Curve

change curve

I normally reserve talking about the well renowned Change Curve (a model originally developed in the 1960s by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross to explain the grieving process) for our culture change projects – and in particular, to help frontline teams and leaders understand that emotional, irrational reactions to significant business change are perfectly NORMAL. The original Kubler-Ross […]

Resilience is KEY!

think positive

At times like this, though I’ve never actually experienced ‘times like this’ in my entire lifetime, it’s really important to be extra vigilant about who you hang around with. The brilliant motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that “we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with…” So, it makes […]

Have a break – have more than a KitKat!


It’s a short week for me this week, so this week’s post is going to follow suit… I guess I’m not the only one feeling a little deflated right now with the very sad news about the demise of our beloved “Tommy” Cook this week. Among all the wretched and sensationalised Brexit news (which frankly […]

Poetry in Motion

poetry in motion

Yesterday was National Poetry Day and BBC Breakfast trumped again in the ‘fascinating’ ratings with their feature on the power of rhythmic prose when it comes to managing stress, anxiety and even depression. Apparently, poems can help people to express thoughts and emotions, in clever and relatable ways, referred to by Anthologist Ana Sampson as […]

Silence is golden – until the winners are announced

silence is golden

During last week’s final of Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions, presenters Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly suddenly silenced the proceedings to introduce ITV’s mental wellness campaign, created by Uncommon Creative Studio. Ant & Dec shared the fact that anxiety and depression in children has almost doubled over the last 10 years. 1 in 10 children […]

State of our nation – and Brexit isn’t to blame!

state of our nation

Having had a few really positive and vibrant weeks, both professionally and personally, I’ve been brought down with a super huge bang these last couple of days, while preparing Marie’s Mumblings for this week’s blog…. Scouring through the World Wide Web (and other interesting artefacts) in the hope that I can share some more of […]

How emotionally FIT and healthy are your staff?

emotionally fit

I read a fascinating paper recently from Puzzel ( who conducted a survey focusing on how much emphasis customer service leaders and managers place on the experiences and welfare of their frontline staff in the quest to improve customer experience. The survey focused on 6 questions and the responses were very interesting, with 35% of […]

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