Brexit and the Customer Experience – What Now?
At the ripe old age of 53, I’m old enough to have experienced many “boom and bust” periods in the UK economy – house price rises and crashes, stock and share indexes up and down like a brides nightie, inflation and deflation, strong and weak currency, credit boom and crunch, rising wages and wage freezes, […]
A huge shout out for top banana Apprentices
OK, I appreciate we haven’t all had a good experience of our future talent pool of leaders, movers and shakers in the guise of a young intern or apprentice of late, although I’m about to prove you can’t tar them all with the same brush…. First Impression Training has recently started working with a local […]
What’s Your Definition of Great Customer Service?
Pondering on this, as I often do in my line of work, I decided to use Google to investigate what people in UK business consider to be the definition of great customer service. Bizwatchonline came up with: “Excellent customer service is the process by which your organization delivers its services or products in a way […]
Thumbs Up to Millennium & Copthorne Hotels – We’ll Be Back!
Most of you know how passionate (some say obsessed) I am when it comes to customer service in this country – and you also know I’m on a mission to both name & shame, as well as congratulate & big up those organisations that act as good and bad exemplars in their field! So this […]
I’m Tearing My Hair Out!
I’ve just been on hold to the tax office for the last thirty five minutes and I have been inspired to write a blog. I know that my “call is important” to them and that “all operatives are helping other people”, but I really, really, really want to get my problem sorted. It’s my money! […]
CEO – Clueless Executive Officer!
I’ve just read a very interesting report by the Institute of Customer Service that claims CEO’s just haven’t the foggiest when it comes to what customers want. Worse still, it also seems that some of them wouldn’t know how to deliver good customer service if you told them how either! The survey entitled ‘Leading by […]
Well That’s Just Rude!
During our travels we come across a lot of examples of outstanding customer service – so it always comes as something of a disappointment when we discover others (thankfully in the minority) that defy all best practice rules leaving you wondering; a) how those individuals ended up in a customer-facing role b) how those companies […]
Are You A Fool?
“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” (Otto Von Bismark) I love this quote and it’s so true, especially in the world of customer service. Considering the wealth of research that has been carried out about customer service both in the US and the UK […]
I Don’t Trust You!
‘People buy people.’ We’ve heard it all before. We know that people buy from people they know, like and trust before throwing cash and custom at someone who has never invested in forming a relationship with them. The objection we all have to face head on when in the process of winning customers is the […]
Pants Passwords – Pass Them On!
Working in a highly compliant, data-protective and highly regulated environment as so many of our lovely clients do, you may be interested in the following article from a recent blog in the brilliant Huffington Post where they cite the most popular (and worst) password combinations we users adopt in our workplace which, from a security […]