Are you as resilient as Rob’s Trunki?

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I’m entering my 2nd week in quarantine, having spent 10 glorious days at my sister’s place in Spain, lapping up the sun’s rays; enjoying some scrummy tapas; drinking sangria and wandering along the beautiful beaches of Caceres, Sotogrande and Marbella… A-M-A-Z–I-N-G! I had a shed-load of R&R while I was there and David and I […]

Klopp would NEVER put his fans before his players – and neither should YOU!

Putting your customers’ needs before your employees needs is BONKERS, right? I mean, a football manager would NEVER put his fans’ physical or emotional wellbeing ahead of their players, would they? Any half decent football manager knows that their player’s needs and requirements have to take priority, if their players are going to fulfil the […]

You CAN have your cake and eat it too!

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I watched a fascinating vodcast on the BBC Ideas site last week, by author & podcaster Bruce Daisley, all about the role of the office moving forward and whether office life, such as that which existed in the classic call centre environment pre-lockdown, would ever be the same again once this pandemic is history and […]

Are you appropriately dressed?


I loved English at school – and I did very well in my O Levels (as they were called back then) in both English Language and English Literature. Perhaps that’s why, when I studied for my NLP Practitioner and then my NLP Masters, my favourite module of both programmes was LANGUAGE. They say WORDS paint […]

Wanna’ know a secret?

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Last week I registered to attend an upcoming bitesize learning event, all about how to accelerate performance and development by creating a coaching culture and how to discover new, innovative ways to maintain this success through regular and consistent follow-up. I’m excited to see what the webinar will bring – I mean, I LOVE LOVE […]

Stop staring at the ceiling!

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So last week saw our little (and not so little) ones head back to school, for the first time since lockdown back in March – and it’s been a rather emotional, bumpy ride for some of them (and us) hasn’t it? Still, children and chadults (the in-betweeners) are far more resilient than we often give […]

Millennials are from Mars & Baby Boomers are from Venus

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So, this week I came across a fascinating article by Steve Morrell of Contact Babel about the ‘perennial millennial customer service dilemma’ as he put it. In his White Paper, Steve articulately explains the challenges our frontline teams and leaders are faced with today, when a Generation Y’er contacts a call centre demanding service….and boy, […]

Q&A 60 second ice breaker

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We’ve had a ball this last week with our lovely VIP client – and we’re all set to have another one this week, when we continue with the re-launch of a culture change programme we began with them at the start of this year and alas, a global pandemic put paid to our progress for […]

It’s not just the gardening industry that’s blossoming!

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In last week’s FIT Matters, we took a look at some of the industries that appear to have blossomed and boomed as a direct result of this unprecedented pandemic the world has experienced over the last 6 months – and there’s even been shiny new sectors that have emerged out of nowhere, such as the […]

Do you mind holding Sir?

do you mind holding

Back in 2017 we took a look at the need for speed as a key driver in achieving brand loyalty through great customer experiences. At the time Forrester research ( indicated that the need for speed is a key driver in the ever-changing face of the customer service race for brand-loyalty. According to Forrester 73% […]

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