First Impression Training has another “Success Story” to read about in Nigel Botterill’s Entrepreneurs Circle
Yes it’s true – we’ve been madly following Botty Rule #9 and following up, following up, following up just recently with 1 or 2 hot new prospects! And once again, our hard-graft hasn’t gone unnoticed because we’ve been quoted once more as being one of Nigel Botterill’s Entrepreneurs Circle members’ success stories on 8th April […]
Marie is awarded Entrepreneur of the Month (County of Kent) for February 2013
Feeling very proud and puff-chested (for the second time since joining Nigel Botterill’s Entrepreneurs Circle in 2011) to have been awarded this prestigious award for all the great stuff we’ve been doing here at First Impression Training over the last few months to help our business survive and thrive in these challenging times! The full […]
First Impression Training is quoted as being a “Success Story” in January 2013
We all know the old adage that when times get tough, the tough get going – and that’s exactly what we’ve done here at First Impression Training! And our hard-graft hasn’t gone unnoticed of late – we were quoted as being one of Nigel Botterill’s Entrepreneurs Circle members’ success stories on 31st January 2013! Proud […]
Valentine’s Day 14th February 2013 – First Impression Training celebrate their 12th birthday!
It hardly seems possible – that a husband and wife should not only live together 24/7 but work together 24/7 too – and for a dozen years to boot! While we may have a lot to celebrate and be proud of for having survived 12 years working together, FIT’s success hasn’t really been about that! […]
“7 Super Secrets of Remarkable Customer Service: How to Develop True Brand Ambassadors on your Frontline”……… have you claimed your FREE hard-copy yet?
We’re on a bit of a roll with our new FREE guide – plugging it here, there and everywhere! We’re bound to say this (because Marie wrote it!) and it really is a handy little guide for Frontline Leaders to help them keep their people on track, motivated to succeed and positive about the brand […]