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best call centre training providers

Who are the best Call Centre Training Providers in the UK?

Well I guess that depends on whether you consider yourself to be a ‘call centre’ training provide…


How much does it cost to train a team of Customer Service staff?

Well that really depends on how much value you place on truly investing in your people as the vit…


Online Customer Service Training VERSUS Onsite Customer Service Training

There are pros and cons for taking an online customer service training course versus an onsite (o…


What is a Blended Learning Solution?

Blended Learning (or Multi-Modal Learning as it is also known as) is an approach to learning & de…


How can I get internal staff training officially accredited?

There are all sorts of ways you can get staff training accredited. Of course, one of the most co…

Investors in people

What is the IIP Accreditation?

IIP stands for Investors In People, who are a Community Interest Company offering the IIP accred…

Customer service training courses

Are there customer service training courses specifically for my industry or sector?

There are a wide range of public / open industry-specific customer service courses on offer, both…

employee payback charges for professional training

Can you ask an employee to pay back a % of the training or charge them a fee, if you invest in their professional development and then they leave?

There is no legislation specifically related to an employer seeking to recoup training costs from…

Training trainers to deliver external training

Can our own trainers be trained to deliver external training?

Many training providers offer their own internal accreditations for managers, coaches &/or traine…


How can you measure the impact & benefits of staff training?

The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model remains one of the most robust tools for measuring the effective…

encourage training for experienced staff

How do you encourage an experienced member of staff to undertake further training?

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Can you change a die-hard frontliner? Is there a way to open…


What should a new starter induction training programme include? How long should the induction process be?

Well many of the larger organisations provide formal induction programmes for new starters, which…


Are there any government grants or funding available for staff training / customer service training?

There are a range of training programmes in place, funded by the Government, to develop the educa…

employee wellbeing at work

Employee Wellbeing at Work

There is a myriad of research out there focusing on how much emphasis customer service leaders an…

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